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Carpet Cleaning

Helthy_family_room*****  Steam or Dry Cleaning Methods. What’s Best?  *****

With every company out there, bragging about their method & equipment being the best, it does become very confusing for clients, especially new ones. So, I’ve decided to make that decision as simple as possible for you. After pre-inspecting (analyzing) your situation and material to be cleaned or restored; I’ll follow the manufactures standards, I’ll give you my professional opinion, listen to your preferences and respect your choices. Whatever it comes to, I want you to be assured that I’m fully equipped, trained, certified, insured, and experienced in all methods of carpet, upholstery, and hard floor cleaning & restoration. I offer the Two Most Used and Modern Methods of Cleaning (The Truck Mounted Steam Cleaning & Dry Cleaning Method). You can have the confidence that I will be familiar with your situation regardless of what it is.

* For a limited time pay only $39.99 per Room for our Outstanding Deep Steam Cleaning or Dry Cleaning Service (Offer valid for online booking only, $120.00 Minimum per Visit May Apply)

You’ll get Big Value for your dollars with our Deep Fast Drying Cleaning System w/ Organic Solutions! When you book online, you’ll pay only $39.99 per room with Pre-Conditioning, Deep Cleaning, Ultra-Fast Drying Time, Extra Respect for your home and furnishing, our famous 100% Triple Satisfaction Guarantee! and more…, But hurry this is a Limited Time Offer and it’ll expire soon. (Up to 150 Sqft. per room, $120.00 minimum charge may apply!)Charlotte Carpet Cleaners